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Introducing Israeli Cinema (2019)

Contributor(s): Rachel Harris, Assistant Professor of Israeli Literature and Culture, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Topics(s): Film and Visual Arts, Gender, Middle East, Society
Date: May 3, 2019

Essential Reading

Rachel S. Harris “Through the Lens of Israeli Cinema: A Review” Jewish Film & New Media: An International Journal, Volume 3, Number 2, Fall 2015, pp. 220-231

Warriors, Witches, Whores: Women in Israeli Cinema Wayne State Press, 2017 (introduction)

Ella Shohat, Israeli Cinema: East/West and the Politics of Representation I.B.Tauris, 2010 (introduction)

Yael Friedman. “Guises of Transnationalism in Israel/Palestine: A Few Notes on 5 Broken Cameras.” Transnational Cinemas, vol. 6, no. 1, May 2015, pp. 17-32


Recommended Reading

Dan Chyutin “’The King’s Daughter is All Glorious Within’: Female Modesty in Judaic-Themed Israeli Cinema Journal of Jewish Identities, Issue 9, Number 1, January 2016, pp. 39-58

Nir Cohen Soldiers, rebels, and drifters: Gay representation in Israeli cinema (Wayne State Press, 2011)

Olga Gershenson “Immigrant Cinema: Russian Israelis on Screens and Behind the Cameras.” Israeli Cinema: Identities in Motion. 2011

Olga Gershenson and Dale Hudson “New Immigrant, Old Story: Framing Russians on the Israeli Screen.” Journal Of Film And Video no. 3/4 (2008): 25

Nurit Gertz, and George Khleifi. “Palestinian Cinema: Landscape, Trauma and Memory.” Palestinian Cinema: Landscape, Trauma and Memory. , 2011

Shemer, Yaron. Identity, Place, and Subversion in Contemporary Mizrahi Cinema in Israel. Ann Arbor, MI: U of Michigan P, 2013.

Talmon, Miri, and Yaron Peleg. 2011. Israeli Cinema: Identities in Motion. Austin, TX: U of Texas P, 2011

Rachel S. Harris, Warriors, Witches, Whores: Women in Israeli Cinema. Detroit, MI: Wayne State UP, 2017

Gertz, Nurith. “From Jew to Hebrew: The ‘Zionist Narrative’ in the Israeli Cinema of the 1940s and 1950s.” Israel Affairs 4, no. 3&4 (1998): 175-199
